(I'm going to need a lot of motivation this week to get stuff DONE. And what's more motivational than epic training montages? Absolutely nothing. So please enjoy pictures from a bunch of movie training montages as you read this post. Oh, and here's a link to "Eye of the Tiger", you'll need that too. Sorry if there's an annoying ad)
Sooo...it's the 20th of May as I'm typing this. That means we only have two more 20 Time days left in the school year so basically only two more EVER. That also means it is officially time to start straight up panicking.
I have approximately two weeks to go before we have a TED talk style presentation in front of our peers and I'm planning on performing a song. I've focused on "House of the Rising Sun", the only problem is I still don't know this song!
(Karate Kid! LOL just kidding, everyone liked the original movie better!)
I mean, I know bits of the song. But I'm not playing it smoothly or up to tempo. I can get the notes if I concentrate and just do it measure by measure, but does anyone want to listen to that? I wouldn't!
(ahh, much better.)
The good thing is, there's lots of repetition in the song so the parts that I do know will come up later and it's not as if I need to learn new music for every part left in the song. I'm just doing the first verse and there's an entire line that shows up twice.
But even if I had the individual measures down, there's still the issue of stringing it all together into one song. One of the biggest problems I've had is being able to switch between chords quickly and fumbling to your fingers on the next chord is a huge interruption.
I think the best way to go is to keep practicing (when I have the time) and just try to focus. I'm not going to make any progress if I just let myself get frustrated and then complain about it. I'm only going to get better if I keep playing the song until I get it right
(Oooo, look! This one moves!)
Also, if the training montage pictures were kind of biased toward Disney movies, that's because when I was looking up montages, I realized that most of them were sports movies that were made when the Soviet Union was still a going concern, so I had seen basically none of them, but for Disney movies I had seen basically all of them. So I just used a bunch of Disney ones. Also, Disney, what up with the training montages at sunrise? There are other times to train! Heaven knows I'm not getting up that early to practice guitar.
Until next post,
Oh, and here are the sources for all these pictures:
Hilarious and creative. I know you are going to rock Room 329 in one week. Don't panic. You are the Guitar Grasshopper.